Are You Ready for Election Day 2021?

It’s Almost Election Day! Are You Ballot-Ready?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 2nd

That’s why we’re sharing the following information with you to make sure you, your friends, and family are prepared and can make your voice heard. Now is the time to start developing your plan for voting. By voting, we can help build political power in our communities and ensure that our experiences and needs are valued, represented, and made a priority to those we elect to public office.

Below is a guide to help you get out to the polls and vote:

Know Before You Go

  • Who’s on the Ballot: Learn who the candidates are and where they stand on issues by going to 
  • Find Your Polling Place: Check out’s website for polling locations, hours and important dates.
  • Voter ID Laws: Before leaving home to vote, know your state voter ID requirements. In Arizona, you can vote on Election Day without a photo ID, but you will need some proof of identification confirmed within 5 days of placing your vote in order for it to be counted.

Voting In Person

Voting By Mail

  • Arizona Ballot by Mail System requires that all ballots be received by 7pm on Election Day to be counted. Make sure to turn in your ballot at a drop off box, polling place, or mail in your ballot at least 7 days before election day.

Know Your Rights

  • If you are in line when the polls are set to close, stay in line.
  • If you have questions or feel like your right to vote has been challenged at the polls, call the national, nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683). Assistance is also available in Spanish and additional API languages
  • Check out When We All Vote if you have questions about the election, your rights and how to successfully participate in the election

Finally, protect the right of all individuals to access the ballot box by writing to your Member of Congress and telling them to cosponsor and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. This is YOUR Voice. YOUR Future. Make sure to use YOUR Vote!
