Young Women’s Forum: Know Your Why & Your Purpose


know-your-purposeOne of our three events for the Young Women’s Forum was this past Tuesday that featured Life Coach Rita Hudgens. Founder and CEO of Transform University, Rita is an Internationally Certified Coach that specializes in the lifestyle transformations of women. For her contribution to our series, Rita went through various thought provoking exercises with the group that encouraged a combination of self-reflection, and teamwork to help explore how to discover your “Why & Purpose.”

An inspirational lunch and learn, the Young Women’s Forum is a dynamic setting that allows emerging professionals in the Phoenix area to create support networks as well as learn strategies that can better their career, personal life, and overall brand.

Interested in attending? The Young Women’s Forum is open to all women! Please join us for the remainder of our series, which include topics such as “Your Mind & Your Money. Overcoming Mental Roadblocks” (January 10, 2017). Or “Be A Women For Others, Tying Your Career To Philanthropy” (April 25, 2017).

To learn more about Rita Hudgens visit her website at,
