Help us propel the mission of YWCA through your service. YWCA has multiple volunteer opportunities to get involved with, including some home and virtual opportunities.

Create Greeting Cards & Placemats
Create and decorate greeting cards or placemats for holidays, birthdays or just for an encouraging message to go along with our home-delivered meals. Use your creativity, some paper and any other art supplies (crayons, markers, stickers) to decorate. Send or drop off completed greeting cards directly to:
8561 N. 61st. Ave Glendale, AZ 85302
Please remember to make your cards general enough so they will suit any recipient.

Group Volunteer Opportunities
Groups can empower the work that YWCA does to create positive change. Group opportunities are based on the highest area of need at the time of volunteer service. Companies and clubs are welcome to host donation drives for necessary items for our home-delivered meals clients. If your group has a special talent that partners well with our programs, please reach out to [email protected].

Community Center Volunteer
Assist at our senior community center in Glendale to help the flow of delivering meals. From building snack bags to helping load/unload deliveries to lending a hand in the kitchen, we could use your help feeding our older adults! Food handlers certificate is required. This opportunity is available mornings Monday-Friday.

Financial Education Instructor
Facilitate our financial education workshops to empower women to be financially independent. We have various classes with different needs of expertise. Our curriculum covers saving, budgeting, understanding credit and debt, insurance, and homeownership. Instructors use our planned curriculum and personal experience to teach.

Community Ambassador
We can’t do this work alone. YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix receives opportunities to be in the community through tabling events. Community ambassadors are prepared and ready to represent YWCA at a booth or table by sharing information about our mission and programs and handing out YW merchandise and flyers. Opportunities are available for sign up through our volunteer portal.

Decorate Snack Bags
Use paper lunch bags, your creativity and any other art supplies (crayons, markers, stickers) to decorate smile sacks that are delivered to our home-delivered meals clients. You may also add a small, healthy snack as an added bonus in each bag. Click here for the list of items that may be included. Send completed snack bags or coordinate a drop off time. 8561 N. 61st. Ave Glendale, AZ 85302

Meals on Wheels Driver
Build community through delivering meals to homebound individuals in the Glendale area. This opportunity is available mornings Monday through Thursday. Drivers are asked to complete a background check, obtain a food handlers card, and have a reliable vehicle to deliver the meals.

Connection Caller
We are looking for volunteers to make connection calls and create community for homebound older adults. This opportunity includes (1-2) 30 minutes phone calls a week to older adults living in Glendale to engage in conversation, ask questions, get to know each other, and create space to talk. This can be done wherever you may be through our CallHub software. We ask for a 6-month commitment.
Join a YWCA Committee
YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix Committees are made up of talented individuals who work together to address some of our community’s most pressing social issues. Click the button, right, to complete a committee interest form and join the conversations.
Join Leaders for Change
Leaders for Change is a young professionals group for leaders in their 20s and 30s to collaborate on mission-driven projects that impact racial justice and gender equity.
There are many ways to get involved with YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix
Your voice matters as we stand up for social justice, help families and strengthen communities. Whether you have time, talents, or treasures to contribute, learn how you can plug in to the YWCA community.