I am a proud Board member of the YWCA and Development Committee Chair

My name is Paula Hill, and I am a proud Board member of the YWCA and Development Committee Chair.   I have been a member of the YWCA for about a year.  I’ve attended many of the sponsored events (as a member, you get discounts on tickets to these events!).  The Women’s Empowerment Series, featuring panels of women leaders in our local community who have broken barriers and serve as an example and inspiration are among my favorite.   These events offer a unique opportunity to meet with some of the most dynamic women in our community, inspiring ideas and ways to mentor others.  And yes, there is a social component of these events that I enjoy too.

But the YWCA is not just about events. 

The mission of the YWCA to Eliminate Racism and Empower Women, is something that resonates with me, particularly in today’s political environment.  At a time when many of us feel powerless, the YWCA provides “strength in numbers”, an opportunity to advocate change at a local level, without having to be a political expert.

But perhaps the most important aspect of my decision to participate in the YWCA and support its mission is the example it demonstrates to my two young adult daughters.  While we all strive to raise young women who are strong, independent leaders who use their voice, if we do not show them the way by example, then we simply have not given them all the tools possible.  I want my daughters and all young women to feel that they have the tools to inspire change, to advocate for the less fortunate and be a leader in their day to day lives.  This is the power of the YWCA.

If you would like to become part of an elite group of leaders who are working to elevate women and their families, if you want to make an impact, if you are concerned about the issues that face women and their families in today’s society, if you want to be an example to others–become a member of the YWCA.

Joining the YWCA builds your voice—our voice—our daughters voices.  The voice of change and equalization and empowerment.  Join the collective voice that works to advocate, educate and inspire all women and their families.
