
How and Why to Join the YWCA’s Young Forum Committee


With summer quickly approaching, our Young Women’s Forum Summit is around the corner! Held on June 7th, the Summit will include lunch, networking, and an in-depth discussion about what the future Young Women’s Forum events will be for the 2018-2019 year. During this time, the YWCA’s recruits from within its ranks as well as within the community to find new up and coming young professionals to join the committee and effect positive change in their communities. The Young Women’s Forum is a dynamic setting where young female leaders and emerging professionals in the community can connect with one another, share strategies, create support networks, learn and grow.  Serving on a committee can be a great stepping stone to serving on a local board! 

Please see below for a testimonial from our current committee Chair:

“The YWCA Young Women’s Forum Committee has been a great way to connect with like-minded women in the community. It has been a great experience collaborating with such innovative women and leaders through the YWCA. The events have truly impacted my personal and professional life.”

— Hannah Brown, YWF Chair Person 

The commitment to serve on the Young Women’s Forum Committee is as follows: 

  • Attend 2 conference calls and 1 in person meeting in a 12-month period. 
  • Attend both Young Women’s Forum events or send someone in your stead.
  • Help to promote the events to your circle of influence.
  • Seek donation items for the event raffles. 1 per event is highly recommended.

If interested in the Summit or joining the Young Women’s Forum Committee, contact Bridget Costello, Development Director today (bridget.costello@ywcaaz.org)! 
