Find Your Power and Use Your Vote

By: All In Together

Women who have survived interpersonal violence and sexual assault have one thing in common. They have all had their power limited or taken away because these types of violence are about power. Likewise, the power to vote in any election is often limited or taken away completely by media and social discussions. This is the moment, this is the time, when we recognize our powers and use them to protect ourselves and other women like our lives depend on it because they do.

Our power to vote is taken lightly and tossed to the side because of slogans like, “your vote doesn’t count.” To say your vote does not count is to say that things that matter to you are unimportant. The things can include safety; training of officers who respond to domestic violence or sexual assault calls; positioning of judges who rule fairly; funding of programs that provide shelter, therapy, or protection for those leaving abusive relationships.

Find out today if your voter registration has been updated with your current address. Find your election dates and polling location so you will know when and where to go vote. Then research who and what is on the ballot to vote for. Visit for more Voter Resources to help you recognize and USE your POWER TO VOTE.

Statements on this blog reflect the author’s personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix or YWCA USA. Blog entries are meant to spark individual reflection and community conversations on issues of racial justice and gender equality.
