Spotlight on YWork – March 2021


We wanted to be sure you received this important message from YWCA USA.

We just received word from the House Majority Leader that the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) of 2021 (H.R. 1620) will receive a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives tomorrow! 

Since its original passage in 1994, VAWA has made a tremendous impact in changing culture and norms, reducing domestic and sexual violence, and improving critical victim services. VAWA provides critical funding that survivors rely on for domestic violence services, such as transitional housing, emergency shelter, and medical and legal counseling which support and protect survivors during one of the most vulnerable points in their lives.

Members are deciding how they will vote on this important bill. We need you to contact your Member of Congress NOW and tell them to vote ‘YES’ on H.R. 1620. 

YWCA USA made reauthorization of VAWA one of its top priorities for the 117th Congress and – thanks to the work of advocates like you – our work on this bill is taking one step closer towards becoming law!

Let’s pass this bill and send this critical, lifesaving legislation to the Senate! Join us and tell our Members of Congress that survivors can’t wait for VAWA reauthorization!  

Pass the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act today!

Tribute to Legacy Leadership Celebrates Phenomenal Legacy Honorees

We’re halfway through Women’s History Month and we hope you are enjoying the celebration of our 26 years of phenomenal Legacy Honorees as much as we are! If you’ve been motivated or moved by our Honorees just wait…you haven’t seen anything yet!

From an original performance by Kylelashay Draper to our live, virtual after party, our luncheon broadcast is set to be the best party on the internet. It’s not too late to join us on Wednesday, March 31st! Registration is free so put on your most comfortable clothes, gather your pod, and prepare to be inspired!

Thank you to all our supporters and friends who have supported this event, registered as table captains, and invested in our program. We are well on our way to reach our goal of $100,000 which will ensure that we can continue to do the work every day until the world sees women, girls, and people of color as we do: Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable.

If you’ve missed any of our posts this month, be sure you’re following us across all our social media channels!

Check out all past videos and posts in our Media Gallery!

March for Meals Celebrates Senior Nutrition Programs

by Kathy Saunders, YWCA Senior Center Director

The March for Meals campaign is a time to shine the light on Senior Hunger and why it is vital that we continue to support and sustain these programs. I am saddened by the fact that too many seniors are still going hungry.  AARP reports, “More than 10 million older adults are at risk of hunger every day. Older adults who are food insecure are 50 percent more likely to have diabetes and 60 percent more likely to have congestive heart failure. Research shows that food insecurity costs older adults in the U.S. an estimated $130 billion annually in additional health care expenses. So, senior hunger is not just an individual issue — it is an issue that has implications for families, communities and society.”

Senior Hunger is not just an economic issue. It is also a problem of access and care. Many seniors who can afford to purchase their own food, lack the mobility to get and prepare their own meals and do not have other support systems to help them.  It often forces low-income older adults to choose between food and medical care, and it is expensive to their

families, who frequently provide unpaid care. When seniors struggle to meet their basic needs, they are at greater risk of being affected by preventable or treatable health conditions, such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, heart attack, and depression. 

Every day we get up and do the work of feeding seniors for these reasons and so much more.  I am inspired by the stories and testimonials we receive from our clients reporting that the Home Delivered Meals they receive not only provides nutrition to sustain them, but they appreciate the warm greeting and smiles from their drivers.  The simple fact of having a human connection with a YWCA Meals on Wheels driver each day is often the very thing that keeps them in their home.

I believe I am called to do this work, as this is my passion. The impact of providing a nutritious meal and a warm greeting is immeasurable. It really is “more than a meal”.  We have seen how these programs change the lives of our most vulnerable adults for the better, and truly is helping to make the world a better place. Help me combat senior hunger while allowing them the dignity to remain in their own homes awhile longer.

YWCA Metropolitan is proud of our partnership with Meals on Wheels to deliver nutritious meals and provide companionship to seniors. By delivering a nutritious meal, friendly visit, and safety check our program combats three of aging’s most harmful threats: inadequate nutrition, isolation, and declining quality of life. YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is the only Meals on Wheels program that serves Glendale. For more information on our program, call 623.931.7436.

Save the Date! April is Financial Literacy Month

April is Financial Literacy Month! Each April we work to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy for all members of our community. The need for effective financial education is a shared goal among many non-profits in Arizona. YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix encourages financial literacy through our Prosperity Programs!

Prosperity Programs seek to build financial equity for women and their families. We offer a range of financial classes that are open to the public about savings, credit, debt, investing, and homeownership. Make a plan to join us next month and invite someone who would benefit. In addition to our Prosperity Programs courses, we offer individualized, personalized financial coaching for those requesting 1-on-1 support.

Rising Leaders in Motion Info Session

At YWCA, we envision a just and equitable Arizona for everyone. If you are interested in joining us and getting up every day to do the work until Justice Just Is…we invite you to join our NEW Rising Leaders in Motion group. Rising Leaders in Motion is the perfect opportunity for community leaders ages 18 to 35 to collaborate on mission-driven projects that impact racial justice and gender equity.

Want to learn more? Join us on April 1st (really…it’s no joke!) at 5:30pm for a virtual information session about Rising Leaders in Motion including the group’s volunteer, networking, and personal development opportunities.

The more the merrier…feel free to bring your friends! We invite you to extend the invitation to any friends or co-workers who are interested in furthering their social justice journey and making an impact in their community.

AZ Gives Day is Almost Here!

Invest in AZ! We’re excited to announce that YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is joining this year’s #AZGivesDay — a statewide, 24-hour online giving campaign.

Arizona Gives Day is a movement uniting nonprofits to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all.

Please consider giving on April 6. You can also donate now through Early Giving.

Know Your Worth

Did you know that white women in America earn 79 cents for every dollar that white men earn? For women of color the gap is even larger – Black women make 62 cents, Native women make 57 cents, and Latinas are the lowest at 54 cents for every white man’s dollar. Lower wages mean women have less money to support themselves and their families, save and invest for the future, and spend on goods and services. Families, communities, and the economy all suffer as a result.

Our Know Your Worth Series works to close the gender pay gap by educating and coaching women to advocate for themselves and their families. This three-part educational series is geared towards providing women with the skills and knowledge to advocate during wage negotiations.

Registration Is Now Open! Our next Know Your Worth course begins April 15th at 5:30pm.

Stand Against Racism

YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is proud to join our sister associations from across the country for the 15th Annual Stand Against Racism. This year we are shining the light on Racism as a Public Health Crisis.

There is no epidemiological definition for a public health crisis. However, experts at the Boston University School of Public Health suggested a definition based on three qualifiers: the problem must affect large numbers of people; the problem must threaten health over the long-term; and the problem must require the adoption of large-scale solutions. Reviewing racism as a public health crisis using this three-pronged test, it passes.

Save the Date! Join us on April 22nd from 5:00pm – 7:00pm for the first part of our Stand Against Racism conversation. Collectively, using the Theatre of the Oppressed model, we will examine and bear witness to the impact of racism on our individual and community health. This conversation will be the inspiration for an original Theatre of the Oppressed performance which will be produced later in May.

AZ Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit is Back

In our Prosperity Programs, participants learn how to have their money work for them and their goals. If our participants were working with their coach to decide on making a Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit donation, they would conclude it’s a win-win!

Qualifying Charitable Tax Credit donations allow individuals and couples to make donations directly to a qualifying nonprofit and then receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their AZ state taxes!

Your gift of:

  • $200 hosts a book club discussion to raise awareness of inequality and injustice.
  • $400 provides 30 days of delicious, hot meals, and (virtual) connection to 2 seniors.
  • $800 provides wage negotiation workshops for 40 women, giving them the tools to advocate for equal pay and close the gender pay gap.

Qualifying for the Arizona Tax Credit is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Make a qualifying contribution to YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix. All donations up to $400 (for individuals) and $800 (for couples) may qualify for a dollar for dollar tax credit!
  2. Fill out your AZ state taxes using our Qualifying Charity Organization (QCO) Code 20302. A donation to YWCA doesn’t preclude you from donating to the school, foster care, and other tax credit programs.
  3. Pat yourself on the back for supporting racial justice and gender equity in Maricopa County!

This is not professional tax or legal advice. For more info on the tax credit visit the AZ Dept of Revenue website. Arizona YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix is a 501C3 not-for-profit and a Qualifying Charitable Organization. Tax ID# 86-0098936. QCO Code: 20302.

Are You on Social Media? If so, Let’s Be Friends!

We are looking to grow our following and would love your help in just 2 simple steps!

  1. Please like, share, and follow our handles on social media, and
  2. (for bonus points!) share the graphic to the left on your social media platforms and encourage others to join in our fight to eliminate racism and empower women.
