Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade


Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States has decided to overturn 50 years of abortion protection through the landmark decision of Roe V. Wade. Access to abortion stands squarely at the intersection of gender equality, young women’s empowerment, and racial justice. We know limits to abortion access disproportionately harm Black women, girls, lower income, transgender, and gender-nonconforming people who are already marginalized in our healthcare system.

In our Mission to eliminate racism and empower women, we hold safe access to abortion as a critical community need. This decision, to allow states to impose their own restrictions, impacts women and pregnant people’s ability to exercise bodily autonomy, to plan their futures, and to access opportunities in work and life. Today our country has regressed. We have again allowed people sitting in office to make decisions about our bodies.

We are devastated, but not shocked, by the Court’s decision to roll-back half a century of women’s reproductive rights. As we await the responses and action from our legislators, we are deeply concerned about women’s rights and progress in Arizona and across the country. Continue following us as we uncover the future of reproductive rights for Arizona residents.

Now more than ever, we urge you to VOTE in the primary election this August and the general election this November for legislators who will protect our rights to govern our own bodies in our state and across the country.

We encourage you also to join us and other reproductive rights supporters at the Arizona State Capitol tonight at 6pm where we will declare it’s #MyDecisionAlone. We will actively fight back with out YWCA sisters across the country, community members, and supporters in Phoenix, to ensure that every woman has access to comprehensive health care, including abortion and contraceptives.
