Moore S’mores Memories, please

by: Christy Moore, Owner and Founder, Social Spin, Inc.

My parents taught me to use my voice and hands for good. Through their lived experiences as community stewards, I learned the importance of giving back. I remember my Ma volunteering with the PTA (she’s the best spooky carnival & sock hop planner), helping our teachers grade papers, make copies and building bulletin boards, and canvassing for causes important to us. Every step she took, my sisters and I took two to keep up with her. I also remember my dad coming home from his Union meetings, after spending hours interviewing political candidates. He was a frequent jury member (I have yet to serve in this capacity), who always brought the extra donuts from the jury room home for our family to enjoy.

So naturally, my Ma signed me up to be a Brownie. Years later I graduated as a Cadet with my Gold Star Award, known as the most prestigious award in the world for girls. Later on, my Ma became a Troop Leader for my younger sister and my big sister served as her Assistant. I have lots of memories of my Troop, and my Ma and sisters have their memories too. The Girl Scout Law, which I intentionally live, is ingrained my brain.

Last month we had a party. It was a memory making, soul filling, tummy pleasing party complete with lots of campfire s’mores. In lieu of tangible holiday gifts last year, my husband and I purchased an experience for our family – a s’mores party at the Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine’s Parsons Leadership Center in South Phoenix. We were inspired to invest in Girl Scouts because of the impact it had on me and my original women’s tribe – my Ma and sisters.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said, “Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.”

My husband and I strive to align our budget with our core values of family, independence and respect. For example, the s’mores party allowed us to invest in a cause that teaches girls to respect themselves and others while “creating memories” with our family, like my Ma always encourages us to do.

What does your budget say about your values?

If you’re not already practicing value-based budgeting, consider doing the “30 Days and Three Seconds” experiment. It’s a great way to identify ways to have more value-based impact with your money. If you’d prefer to use voice and hands for good, consider asking yourself these questions before deciding how to leverage your time and talents.

There’s an abundance of investment and service opportunities. Pick those that best align with your values, and you’ll always make an impact. We’re all responsible for “making the world a better place,” according to the Girl Scout Law (and my parents).

Join Christy Moore, Founder and Owner of Social Spin, Inc. and other young community leaders on April 3rd to learn more about how to get involved in the community today! Register here
