Generation Z vs. Presidential Election 2020


By Hannah Frutkin

2020: The year that Generation Z can finally legally participate in a presidential election. I could have sworn that just yesterday I was watching my parents send in their mail-in ballots and anxiously watching the states change colors on the television screen in front of me. All the sudden, I don’t get to merely sit idly by, this year, I will cast my vote.

Over the past few months leading up to the election, our generation has thrust themselves into the spotlight. Between reposting informative and opinionated posts on social media to participating in protests, we have truly found ourselves a foothold in modern politics. There have been countless reasons for our sudden involvement in social politics, many of which have to do with the need for change. This election year has proven to be one of history, with social justice protests and the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We have found that this is our time to shine; this is our time to take back what is ours.

Everyone always talks about the fact that we are voting for our future, and we have been presented the perfect opportunity to do so this year. Between social justice, climate change, and the future of women’s rights, we have the chance to take action on the politics that will affect our future, and our children’s future. There is no excuse to refuse to be involved, whether it is taking action in a peaceful protest or simply voting.

We have an opportunity to change history, and this can be easily achieved by staying informed and educated. Avoiding biased news and doing your own research beyond what you hear from family and friends is incredibly important; you never know what you could be misinformed about. Beyond just your presidential picks, make sure you do research on your state representative as well. Every vote counts, even if it does not seem as important as others.

Right now is the time to stand up for what we believe in, and if you are given the opportunity to cast your vote, I encourage you to do so. Stay informed. Do your own research. Have insightful conversations. Vote. 

Statements on this blog reflect the author’s personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix or YWCA USA. Blog entries are meant to spark individual reflection and community conversations on issues of racial justice and gender equality.
