Dana Campbell Saylor

Winner of the: Dorothy Willey Award

Dana-Campbell-Saylor-2Dana Campbell Saylor is a strong activist for women and social justice. Her education, passion, and life’s work has focused on internal and external barriers to women’s equality. While recently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of the Arizona YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Dana developed nonprofit partnerships and a strong mentoring and advocacy voice for Arizona women. Dana earned a degree in Social Justice and Women Studies from Arizona State University. She recently completed Stanford University, Nonprofit Management Institute’s, New Skills for a Complex World and is the author of many articles on mentoring, women’s health, and equality.

Dana Has served four Arizona Governors addressing community issues. During Governor Hull’s administration, Dana focused on establishing a Governor’s Commission on the Health Status of Arizona Women and Families. Dana has received multiple community-awarded honors, including induction to the Phoenix Union Alumni Hall of Fame, the NAWBO Visionary Award, the West Valley Mover and Shaker award, and the Golden Heart Award. She was also a Leadership Excellence award Finalist for Nat’l Bank of Arizona’s Woman of the Year, finalist for Community Partnership Leaders from One (Org. for Non-Profit Execs.), and Goodman’s Good Guy Award Finalist. Dana is a member of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and served two Phoenix Mayors through the Phoenix Women’s Commission. Dana serves on the ASU Community Council, Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging, Advisory Board for the Arizona Women’s Heritage Trail, and the Phoenix Commission on Arts and Culture.  Dana serves on the Board, and is past Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits. She is past Board Chair of the YWCA Pacific Region, which included Arizona, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico, and serves on the ASU West Campus Community Board.

Danna’s accomplishments include:

  • Establishing a 501c4 (Advocacy) for the YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix.
  • Developing the Governor’s Commission on the Health Status of Women and Families.
  • Developing and implementing policy strategy for the Governor’s Division for Women.
  • Publishing “Girl’s Spirit” with Scottsdale Healthcare and Scottsdale Prevention Institute.
  • Publishing Arizona Fact Book on Women’s Health with Arizona State University West Community Partnership.
  • Initiation of a new Council implementing understanding of public policy and political processes, and the role of the not-for-profit community in driving social change.
  • Creating induction criteria with the Arizona Department of Library, Archives and Public Records for the Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame.
  • Serving as Governor’s representative and liaison with international diplomatic representatives.
  • Developing a partnership with Madison Street Veteran’s Association to establish a shelter for homeless veterans.
  • Developing the YWCA Metropolitan Women’s Forum.

Currently, Dana is the Arizona Leader for Take the Lead. Take the Lead prepares, develops, inspires, and propels all Arizona women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025. Take the Lead was established by renowned activist and author Gloria Feldt. Take the Lead’s proven 4-pronged approach changes the way women approach power – from power over others  – to power to embrace personal authentic leadership capabilities. Take the Lead provides tools for leading us to parity by 2025, 64 years ahead of trajectory!
