Nutrition Program Eligibility

YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix serves nutritious and delicious meals to seniors (60+) and adults (18 – 59) living with disabilities through our Home Delivered Meals (HDM) and Congregate (dining room) Meal Programs.

Home Delivered Meals – Glendale

YWCA is the only provider of Meals on Wheels within the city of Glendale. Our clients are referred by AAA (Area Agency on Aging), Maricopa County S.A.I.L. (Senior Adult Independent Living), or ALTCCS (Arizona Long Term Care Health Systems) and receive up to seven meals delivered weekly. If you are already a client of one of these agencies and would like to request home-delivered meals, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your case manager.

Eligibility for our home-delivered and low-cost meal programs are determined by Area Agency on Aging. Please call them at 602-264-HELP or 602-264-4357 to determine program eligibility.

Deliveries also include a wellness check. Private meal deliveries are available.

Home Delivered Meals – All Other Cities

If you live outside of Glendale and would like home-delivered meals, call Area Agency on Aging at 602-264-HELP or 602-264-4357.

Congregate Meals

Weekday lunch is provided at three sites in Glendale:

  • YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix | 8561 N 61st Ave
    Monday – Friday at 12:00pm
  • Glendale Adult Center | 5970 W. Brown St.
    Monday – Friday at 12:00pm
  • Glendale Community Center | 5401 W. Ocotillo Rd.
    Monday – Friday at 12:00pm
  • Japanese American Citizens League | 5414 W. Glenn Dr.
    The 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12:00pm

If you have questions or need additional information about our Congregate Meal Program, please call our center at (623) 931-7436.

Additional Food Resources

If you need additional support, including food pantries and food boxes, please consider one of the following resources:

St. Mary’s Food Bank

(602) 242-FOOD (3663)

Salvation Army – Glendale Corps

(623) 934-0469

Vineyard Food and Clothing Bank

(623) 934-4000

Glendale Food Pantries


There are many ways to get involved with YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix