What is Life Reimagined and how will it benefit me?

Since the dawn the civilization, great thinkers have discussed the quality of human existence and “the good life.” To some individuals, the ideal state is one of wealth; to others, having significant relationships; some report that helping those in need is central. These individuals vary in external circumstances; yet many share a subjective feeling of the power of purpose.

Life Reimagined uses a Check-up, based on a journal developed by experts in the area called “positive aging.” The centerpiece is a journal that a trained facilitator uses to take each person on a journey to remagine their best life and make a goal to achieve it.

Life Reimagined says that each of us is an “experiment of one.” We are a complex combination of one-of-a-kind factors. Who and what we are has been largely determined by our “story” – our heredity; upbringing – geography, era, education and ethnic background – triggering events in our life; and, view of the future.

Life Reimagined helps us remember all of core story and then moves us toward the future. It balances the knowledge that resistance to change is a powerful force in the universe and links it to a process toward better decision making, growth, curiosity and learning.

This checkup is meant to be interactive, participatory, and FUN.


It is a great example of how a new and powerful vision can inspire us at any age.

…Inspires you to become a more educated consumer about your learning experience.

The platform and tools are ageless and would help anyone looking to navigate change in their life.

Join the YWCA and AARP for this FREE event to “Reimagine” your life dreams and aspirations. Life Reimagined is here to help you navigate life’s changes and challenges – big or small. At this thought provoking and inspirational event we will explore free tools, articles and courses to discover what’s possible and live the life you want. https://lifereimagined.aarp.org/

  • Start where you are in your life.
  • See where the possibilities lead you.
  • Live your dreams!

Join us to imagine a world of possibilities for the next phase in your life. All are welcome!

  • October 5, 2017
  • From 5:30pm-7:30pm2
  • 999 N 44th Street 6th Floor Conference Room
    Phoenix, AZ 85018

Register at www.ywcaAZ.org/calendar/ or contact Robyn Reyff at 602-258-0990 x11

